Texas Legislature

Keeping You Informed

Knowledge is power, and I am committed to keeping you informed. Whether it’s new legislation that may affect your home or investments or market updates, I will provide timely and relevant information to help you stay aware and empowered to take action if you choose. Please note that both sites will allow you to track bills to see how they progress. To view all bills please visit the following two pages:

Texas Legislature

Federal Legistature

I will be sharing both local and federal bills, some of which may not require a public vote but will instead be decided by the legislature. When a bill is proposed, you have the right to voice your opinion. Our representatives are elected to serve us, and it is important to engage in the legislative process.

Your voice matters—even if your representative does not share your political views. When enough people speak out, lawmakers must take notice.

Here are a few local bills that may impact you

Please note that I will strive to provide a personal summary of select bills that might affect your home ownership and anything that might evolve around that. My list is not all encompassing. 

If a bill impacts you, make your voice heard by contacting your representatives via phone or email. Not sure who represents you, go to this site?

You can also use the 5 Calls app, which helps identify your representatives and provides a list of current bills along with scripts supporting or opposing them for your convenience.